Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Wednesday - September 13th, 6pm @ The Bascom's

Back from vacation and ready to commune! 

This week's food theme: Breakfast!

Bascom's will provide: Coffee, tea, water and fruit salad!

Please bring: You, your family, other people and a main or side dish item.

Wednesday - September 13th, 6pm to 8pm-ish @ The Bascom's

Park in the driveway or on the north side of Brookman Road against the fence.
(green sections on the map)


  1. Woohoo!!! Can't wait!!! I'm making fruit salad!!! 🤗

  2. We can bring pancakes :). I can bring gluten free ones too.

  3. Phillips are bringing zucchini bread and orang with juice!
