Saturday, November 4, 2017

Wednesday - November 8th, 6pm to 8pm-ish @ The Bascoms

What's round and won't make you down?

This week's food theme: Pizza Extravaganza
Everyone bring your favorite pizza, side dish, salad, chips, pop, whatever else goes with pizza! :) 

Bascoms will provide: Bascoms will provide a big salad, coffee, tea, water.

Please bring: You, your family, other people. Please bring enough to feed 6 to 8 adults. Yay!!!

Wednesday - November 8th, 6pm to 8pm-ish @ The Bascoms

Park in the driveway or on the north side of Brookman Road against the fence.
(green sections on the map)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We plan to come and bring a large pizza.

  3. Phillips will not make it tonight due to illness.

    1. So sorry Laura! We will kiss you dearly. :(

    2. You may kiss me, but not the kids or you will get sick😘

    3. Hahahaha!!! You are so funny!!! Miss!!! MISS!!! Hahahaha!!!! 😘

  4. I think we are going to miss going tonight too. Gideon spiked a fever last night so I want to keep him home to be safe. Miss seeing you guys!

  5. We are bummed to miss tonight too. Graham’s fighting a cold and derek is helping people move tonight. Wish we could be there. Especially right trying to get kids fed and to bed by myself!
