Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Wednesday - December 6th, 6pm to 8pm-ish @ The Bascoms

Keeping down the calories before the big Christmas show!!! Salads for everyone!!!! Hahaha!!! 

This week's food theme: Bring a salad. Get creative...cold, pasta, chicken Asian, the options are endless. 
A couple could bring French bread, fruit, dessert. 

Bascoms will provide: Big fat Chicken Cesar salad, coffee, tea, water.

Please bring: You, your family, other people. Please bring enough to feed 6 to 8 adults. Yay!!!

Wednesday - December 6th, 6pm to 8pm-ish @ The Bascoms

Park in the driveway or on the north side of Brookman Road against the fence.
(green sections on the map)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We can bring dessert and possibly a pasta salad. I'll post again after checking the pantry tomorrow for pasta salad ingredients. :)

  3. Thanks Lori! I'll bring a pasta salad with bacon and veggies and the dessert will be strawberry pretzel salad.

  4. We’ll bring regular and gf Mac and cheese!

  5. We will bring a salad of some variety and a dessert. I'm cravings a banana cream pie! We will see. --Elisha
